Repeater House,
SK17 6SU
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The Process

Your home renovation is personal to you with your own preferences and expectations from your project. As a result of this, there is no correct order in which the process should be carried out, however we understand that it’s useful to have a guideline of the process and how ideally the project should be conducted. We have provided a timeline of the services you are likely to require, and the order these services are likely to follow.


Architectural Design and Interior Designs

Standard:  The architectural design refers to the floorplans of your existing property and proposed development. This is when you can begin to visualise the space and experiment with different layouts and design options. The Interior Design enables the opportunity for you to consider the aesthetics’ of your living space from colours, floors to soft furnishing.

The Longhill Design Company:  We book your measured survey which enables your assigned architectural designer to take the detailed measurements. Together we will sit down with you and talk through design options. Depending upon the complexity of the renovation this can last up to a couple of hours; we can adapt to your schedule and requirements. Many of our clients are very busy and want our guidance from designs through to build. Our clients usually have lots of ideas, and many inspirational images. This is a great opportunity to share your ideas with us. We then go through an amendment period, where we work with you to perfect your design.

Time allowance: From 2 weeks or more (it’s entirely led by you).


Planning Permission

Standard: Not all property renovation will require planning permission however if you do require planning permission, then an application will need to be submitted to your local council, seeking permission for the proposed development. There is usually a need for additional information, such as a flood risk assessment or a design & access statement. If your scheme fits within your permitted development rights, you are still required to notify your local council of your intention to carry out the works. This is also done via an application.

The Longhill Design Company: We will guide you and offer advice on what we feel is achievable as soon as we begin your initial designs. The key is to find a balance between policy and precedent, so each case is completely unique. When you are happy with your final design, we will prepare your planning set. This includes all of the drawings required by your local council. Typically, you will require a site plan, existing and proposed floorplans, roof plans, elevations, and in some cases, sectional details. There are a variety of application types, so we select the one suited to your proposal and fill in the details. Once we have all of the relevant documentation prepared, we submit your application. We regularly check in with your case officer at key stages to ensure the application is on track for determination.

Time allowance: 6 to 8 weeks plus depending on the application complexity.


Building Regulations Pack

Standard: This is a detailed pack which includes your projects structural calculations and detailed drawings. The calculations and drawings will be requested by your building control officer. Structural calculations show the intricate details of the intended structure of your extension (beam connections, load analysis, steel specification).

The Longhill Design Company:  Our calculations and drawings are done to a level of detail to satisfy building control. If your building control officer has any questions or requests any adjustments to the drawings, we carry these out for you within our scope of services.

Time allowance: 4 weeks


Appoint a Builder

Standard: Once you have your structural calculations and detailed drawings, you can begin to shop around for a builder to execute the works. We would recommend collecting quotes from 2 to 3 builders.

The Longhill Design Company: We would invite two or three reputable builders/contractors to submit a quotation to complete the works including their schedule and time line and availability. When we are satisfied with any one we will offer the contract to them and this is with your approval.

Time allowance: 3 to 4 weeks


Building Control

Standard: You are required to appoint an approved body to oversee your build. This can be done via your local council (Building Control) or via an independent private company(Approved Inspector). The assigned officer will check over the drawings and confirm they are compliant with current UK building control regulations. They will also visit your building site at various stages during the build. Upon completion, they will issue a certification to confirm UK safety standards have been met.

The Longhill Design Company:  We cannot appoint Building Control on your behalf; however, we are able to offer Approved Inspectors we have worked with previously. We are also able to answer any questions that may be asked from your appointed officer during the process. From time to time they might request amendments to the drawings, and we will also carry these out for you free of charge.

Time allowance: for the duration of your build


Regional Water Authority

Standard: Regional Water Authority (RWA) companies will need to be notified about the proposed works as the build may affect a sewer or limit their access for repairs in the future. For this reason, you are required to submit an application to them which details the scope of works and includes some basic information on drainage and water flow. This is typically done once the pipes are exposed. The RWA will then decide whether they require a Build Over Agreement with you. If they do, you might be required to pay an additional fee to them(typically around £350).

The Longhill Design Company: 
 We can submit the application on your behalf which includes all of the necessary information. Our fee covers the application. If Regional Water Authority requires a Build Over Agreement, you will need to pay this fee directly to them.

Time allowance: 2 weeks


Project Management

Standard: A Project Managers role is to oversee your build and will be your experienced eyes and ears on-site. They will coordinate all aspects of the construction process and work with the various suppliers and trades to ensure progress is made. Some companies will include this service within their contract by default, others will offer it as a bolt-on, and some will not offer it at all.

The Longhill Design Company:  Our Project Management service can be customised to suit your individual requirements. The role of a Project Manager is diverse so as to achieve the goals and objectives governed by the scope, time and budgetary constraints. Building work is not straight forward, and there are lots of moving components which require attention at specific times. Our service acts to oversee the entirety of your build, which increases efficiency, reduces the risk, the helps the project stay on-track and within budget.

Time allowance: for the duration of your build

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